
Utilizing A.I. to enhance your learning capability in learning new languages! Talk with famous avatars from the past in the level of the language that you are learning, play games, learn new vocabulary. Join our beta program to get access to access the app!

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Speak with AI

Fluency was inspired by a group called Spanish Night. This brought foreign exchange students from Spanish speaking countries and paired them with people trying to learn. This made us wonder, how fast could you learn if you had the world’s best teacher constantly at your disposal!


Leverages A.I. to create avatars from the past that you are able to talk to at the same level of where you are currently at in your language learning journey. Forget speaking to yourself, Fluency enables you to talk to Napoleon in front of the Eiffel Tower!

Personalized Tutor

How fast could you learn if you had the world’s best tutor constantly at your disposal? Fluency enables you to talk to chatbot about any question that you may have in your journey about the specifics of what you are currently learning!


Games can put you into real world situations to practice vocabulary. You are much more likely to remember vocabulary when you are using it practically. Have fun while you learn in a way that makes you retain it faster!